We are full spectrum Family Medicine.
Our graduates are empowered to serve with continuity of care in all settings, valuing all peoples.

For future Family Medicine Faculty
The mission of the VCMC Faculty Development Fellowship is to develop the next generation of family medicine faculty by enhancing their skills as educators and giving them the opportunity to develop their identities as teachers and leaders with the support of our core family medicine faculty.
The curriculum is structured to allow for a self-directed exposure to faculty work. The fellow has a half-time junior faculty role, seeing continuity patients and precepting in the AFMC. The other half of the time is dedicated to a project in an area of interest.
The topic of which will be chosen by the participant with the guidance and support of the faculty. Recent fellows have done projects in the areas of point-of-care ultrasound, global health, LGBT care, and pediatrics. The project is submitted for publication at the end of the year, often for presentation at a regional meeting. The fellow will also participate in developing curriculum for the residency, lecturing to the medical staff and residency, and mentoring residents of the VCMC Family Medicine Residency.
During the fellowship, participants will take part in regular faculty development fellowship seminars which cover a wide variety of topics and are led by our core VCMC Family Medicine Faculty. Seminar topics include coding/billing, bedside teaching, designing scholarly activity, effective lecturing, avoiding burnout, giving feedback, cognitive errors, the difficult patient, and job-finding skills.
Finally, the fellow will maintain a continuity practice and attend in the residency continuity clinic to continue to build their clinical skills. They also have the option of attending on the inpatient medicine teaching service.
Send your CV to Dr. David along with a cover letter describing your future interest in faculty development faculty work and an idea for a project or area of focus for the year.